Monday, August 29, 2011


I'm not gonna lie...I am totally living a cheerleader life vicariously through Megan. She's SO cute when she cheers. Last week Copper Hills played Kearns and Annie and I sat through both the Sophomore and JV games, just to watch Megan cheer. I won't post pictures of every game, but how cute is she?!?

She was so happy that her friends Zach and Justin came to watch her. I think her kicks got just a bit higher and her smile just a bit brighter once she saw them!

Taylor and Zach loved the game. The problem? Kearns' mascot is a Cougar and Taylor kept yelling, "GO COUGARS!" Just a little too much BYU blood in him?


Halls Huddle said...

She is adorable. How fun for your family. Love the "go cougars" faux pas!

Jenni said...

We will have to come down to a game with you guys some day. My hubby is a fanatic as well. We're going to the Beaver/BYU game on the 14th so look for us in the stands :) Would you please age a little, Gina!