Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas from W.J.

i just have to throw this picture in here...taylor's favorite nursery song is "no one likes a frowny face, change it to a smile" and this is his rendition of a frowny face.

they LOVE band hero!!!

set them up...knock them down...set them up...knock them down...

i just love my kids!!!

i love seeing them excited for tay!!!

the kids roasted smores over the stovetop. they were pretty tasty!!!

These are mostly the same pictures that are on facebook....we had a way fun christmas (pretty scaled down because of the cruise..) but it was great to all be together and having fun.


Suzie said...

Glad you enjoyed Christmas! Looks like it was great for you guys! It was fun being able to see you 2 days in a row at the dental office! Your family is so cute!!

Zach said...

mmmmmmmmm smors.