Sunday, January 25, 2009

tay's pix

here are taylors "1" year old pictures we had taken a couple of weeks ago. i love him so much and am so glad he's mine!!! (p.s. that cheesy grin is real--he's just a happy baby!!!)


Karly and Nick said...

What a cutie pants. We're glad he's feeling better.

Haskell Family said...

I LOVE IT!! This is the smile he gives me every day at aerobics! You know happy kids come from happy parents :) Thanks for sharing

Lindsey Stubler said...

OH how cute are those? I sure hope he's feeling better. How long did it take you to get all the crusties off his nose yesterday? Poor baby. I love him. By the way- Mark was teasing Tay yesterday at dinner and saying that he had tiny muscles and Taylor was CRACKING up. He thought it was the funniest thing ever!