Sleeping in (but still SERIOUSLY missing my older teenagers...)
Applebees for lunch with Summer and her cute kids

KOPFC pool
Nap (for Taylor)
Only 2 piano lessons (for me)

Brick Oven for dinner
Kid History Episode 5 premiere in Provo
Jimmer getting drafted (actually, any thing Jimmer at any time of any day tops my list!!!)

Lovin life today!
You're right...amazing day! The only thing that could have topped it would be if something with David Archuletta happened!!!! You look sooooo good in your pictures!
How stinkin' cute is Richard Sharrah?!?! I'm just sayin!! We didn't get a picture with them. "Someone" forgot the camera! We got the autographs on the shirt though. And now we can just look at the one you got and remember loving every minute of that presentation they had! :) Very fun day for sure!
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