if you've ever been to "small-town" u.s.a., then you can picture the little place my brother and his family live. population...250 according to the town sign. i absolutely adore this town!!! we went up for a family reunion (my 6 brothers and 1 sister and ALL of the spouses and kids) and were all together for the first time in 7years. it was awesome! this little town puts on a 24th of july like no other. there's an early morning 5k race (yes...i ran it...), parade, program, potluck lunch and a big family dance at the end of the night. seriously, words can't describe how much fun we had as a family. rah rah rahrahrah...rah rah rahrahrah...rah rah rahrahrah...GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Olsons!!!

What a GOOD LOOKING family! That is so great ALL of you guys were able to be together... :) Your family is an AMAZING family!!! Your parents knew what they were doing when they raised you guys... and look at that posterity!! :)
Suzie beat me to it...What a good looking bunch! (Especially those guys in dark blue. ha ha!) What a great time we had! I just love your family so much and feel so, so blessed to be an Olson. I'm so glad you're my family, not "in-laws".
Cute blog! Loved reading about your life and what you were up to. Can't believe you got married at 19! WOW!!! Good job on hanging in there. j/k! no, that's cool that you were able to pick a good one at such a young age. Also, totally cracks me up about how much you LOOOVE David Archuleta. My Katie is a fan too, (what girl isn't?)Me on the other hand am NOT a fan of concerts. Totally dreading the Miley Cyrus concert Miriam and I are taking our girls to for their bdays. uggg! Katie did go to an American Idol concert two weeks ago, o but wait, not the one w D.A. nevermind. Anyway, totally fun to find eachother after all these years. Yay!
It was so fun! I still have to post my pictures. I am way behind on blogging! But it was great to be with everybody. What a great family...and we are all friends too! I love it!
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