I love this one particular weekend of the year. My Aunt Becky, her girls and her girls-in-law all get together with my mom, sister and sisters-in-law and we have the FUNNEST WEEKEND!!! We went to Johnny Carino's for dinner last night, gave eachother little presents afterwards, woke up this morning and went to breakfast, then shopped, Shopped, SHOPPED!!! We end up talking and talking non-stop for 2 entire days. When all the girls went home, my whole family came back over to our house and watched the BYU/Utah game. Tough loss for sure!!! We can now look forward to Thanksgiving and heading down to St. George in a few days. I love the Fall!!!
It was soooo much fun Gina! It really is one of the funnest weekends of the year. I am going to do everything I can to get down here next year for it! And thanks for hosting the game...tough loss, but we still had fun!
Way fun sisters spend the night, huh! I'm glad you brought your camera. Your little gifts were so dang cute!
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