Our family couldn't be more excited to announce the upcoming arrival of little Larsen #6 (to be named as soon as we have our ultrasound in August...). We feel abundantly blessed to have another member added to our family.
Due Date? 12/24/12...Merry Christmas!!!
I have an AMAZING Doctor who honestly cares about the wishes of his patients. I told him that x+x+x+x=being pregnant (listing all of my symptoms), but that I didn't FEEL it yet. Instead of just saying, "Well, you are.", he asked me if I'd like an ultrasound...and he'd just make it a "medical necessity" (so it was covered by my insurance) by saying they needed to determine the baby's gestational age, even though we both already knew it. I LOVE HIM---such a caring doctor makes this so much more enjoyable!!!
Our first look at little baby Larsen

On the bottom of the picture it shows the rapid heartrate...174 bpm!