I'm not gonna lie...I am totally living a cheerleader life vicariously through Megan. She's SO cute when she cheers. Last week Copper Hills played Kearns and Annie and I sat through both the Sophomore and JV games, just to watch Megan cheer. I won't post pictures of every game, but how cute is she?!?
She was so happy that her friends Zach and Justin came to watch her. I think her kicks got just a bit higher and her smile just a bit brighter once she saw them!
Taylor and Zach loved the game. The problem? Kearns' mascot is a Cougar and Taylor kept yelling, "GO COUGARS!" Just a little too much BYU blood in him?

She was so happy that her friends Zach and Justin came to watch her. I think her kicks got just a bit higher and her smile just a bit brighter once she saw them!
Taylor and Zach loved the game. The problem? Kearns' mascot is a Cougar and Taylor kept yelling, "GO COUGARS!" Just a little too much BYU blood in him?