Saturday, October 30, 2010

halloween fun run---THE MONSTER MILE!!!

what a fun way to spend halloween (or the day before, as it were...) morning. we dressed up and went to provo to run the MONSTER MILE...a 5k for me and the teens, and a 1 mile for steve and the 2 little boys. it was put on by a few byu students for an entrepreneurship (sp?) class---jj diluigi being one of them---and was SO stinkin' fun!!! (including the running part!)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

happy halloween

our 8th (and quite possibly our last) installment of having an annual family picture taken. we think this is a keeper.

Monday, October 18, 2010

byu homecoming 2010

we love byu. we love byu a lot. we love byu so much that we spent an entire saturday celebrating homecoming. i ran the homecoming fun run---just a 5k---then we watched the parade and topped the day off with a football game. fun fun fun!!!

how i love my kiddies!

tay hated (and i mean HATED) the cannon! all game long whenever byu scored he'd get nervous again about hearing it.

zach was challenged by the army guys to see how many push-ups he could do. he's a tough kid!

man, you'd think i'd run a marathon or something...sheesh!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

school pix (older kids)

(zach's off track so we'll get his pictures up next week)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

sigh...archie's new album

really---do i need to say how much i love his new album? c'mon....

Sunday, October 3, 2010

hogle zoo and logan mini-vacation

with zach off track this week, we decided to go on a little trip up to logan to visit kevin and his family. we started our vacation on thursday and went to the zoo where it was empty of people! so many active, exciting animals and no crowds at all. beautiful weather and so much fun with the little boys. when we told the kids we were all going to logan, they were so kids LOVED it---we went to a neat farm and had a train ride, went through a corn maze, the kids rode ponies and jumped off enormous hay bales. kevin and julia were the perfect hosts! aside from the painful usu/byu game, the weekend couldn't have been more fun.