Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Can you remember a PERFECT Christmas? I happened about 24 hours ago. I loved every minute of Christmas morning and seeing my cute kids so excited for what Santa had brought them. Love it, love it, love it!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas Abs Style...

Doesn't Alex look thrilled to have his whole family at Abs watching him make a famous "fat boy" burger? Don't let his grumpy face fool you...he LOVED having us there!!! He's such a hard worker and by far, the cutest little elf in the whole restaurant. Love that boy!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

yeah....i'm a fan!!!

After 3 days of hearing David Archuleta singing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, I can now officially say....bring on Christmas.
Friday I took Annie and her cute cute friends (we spent an extra couple of hours waiting outside of the Deseret Book across the street to have him autograph some things), Saturday night we went as a family and this morning (Sunday) Steve and I went with Steve's parents. I think that the 100,000+ people that heard these concerts can probably echo the same thing that we have been saying for the past 3 years...we love David Archuleta!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

a little bit of this...a little bit of that...

we have already had a great december so far. here's what happened this week...

steve and i dressed up and feeling fancy for the ebay christmas party held downtown.

me and steve's first christmas ornament. i cross-stiched it while living in wymount at byu (sicker than a dog pregnant with alex) and happier than i could have ever imagined!!!

tay loves loves loves the tree! he's eaten almost every single candy cane he can reach!!!

the kids decorated the tree this year...with a "bit" of supervision...

Friday, November 26, 2010

though no one could possibly care... are some more pictures from our fun studio 5 day. thanks again to my fantastic friend gretchen!!!

with darrin adams and brooke walker after the show aired--they took us on a tour of the studio.

singing the byu fight song in the lobby.

our singing got scott haws to come out into the lobby!
the moffit family and the larsen family

Thursday, November 25, 2010

more studio 5 pictures

so much stinkin' fun!

what a fun morning! we spent it at the triad center in the ksl studios trying to get people to put on this corny blue wig and cheer for byu. thanks gretchen, for nominating us!!!
we got scott haws!!! (yes, he actually is that good looking in real life!!!)

and we got jed boal!!!

and we got alex kirry (the host of the segment)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


my family...most fanatic byu fans in utah...and on studio 5 tomorrow afternoon? feel free to say with us, WHAT THE....???

Sunday, November 14, 2010

don't ya just...

...sometimes look at a picture of your child and think they are the most adorable thing on earth? these are from zach's 3rd grade "freedom isn't free" veterans day school program. what a cutie!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

halloween fun run---THE MONSTER MILE!!!

what a fun way to spend halloween (or the day before, as it were...) morning. we dressed up and went to provo to run the MONSTER MILE...a 5k for me and the teens, and a 1 mile for steve and the 2 little boys. it was put on by a few byu students for an entrepreneurship (sp?) class---jj diluigi being one of them---and was SO stinkin' fun!!! (including the running part!)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

happy halloween

our 8th (and quite possibly our last) installment of having an annual family picture taken. we think this is a keeper.

Monday, October 18, 2010

byu homecoming 2010

we love byu. we love byu a lot. we love byu so much that we spent an entire saturday celebrating homecoming. i ran the homecoming fun run---just a 5k---then we watched the parade and topped the day off with a football game. fun fun fun!!!

how i love my kiddies!

tay hated (and i mean HATED) the cannon! all game long whenever byu scored he'd get nervous again about hearing it.

zach was challenged by the army guys to see how many push-ups he could do. he's a tough kid!

man, you'd think i'd run a marathon or something...sheesh!!!