I've been tagged by Gretchen
Now, you're it LeAnn, Lindsey, Karly, Marianne, Summer
A to Z about ME
A--Attached or Single: attached to Steve for 16 years in February
B--Best Friend: Steve
C--Cake or Pie: Cake--love yellow with frosting
D--Day of Choice: any day I have off of teaching---or Sunday afternoons
E--Essential Item: my cell phone and my lip gloss
F--Favorite Color: powder blue or grey (BORING, I know...)
G--Greatest Accomplishment: FINALLY going back to the "Y" for my degree
H--Hometown: West Jordan
I--Indulgences: Dove chocolate and naps (not necessarily in that order)
J--January or July: July
K--Kids: Alex 14, Megan 13 (in a week) Annie 11, Zach 7 and Taylor 13 months
L--Life is incomplete without: a good night's sleep
M--Marriage Date: February 13, 1993 (BRRRRR.....)
N--Number of Siblings: 6 brothers and 1 sister (love you lindsey)
O--Oranges or Apples: apples
P--Phobias or fears: dogs, Dogs, DOGS!!! Any breed, variety, color or whatever!
Q--Quotes: "He who indulges, BULGES!!!"
R--Reason to Smile: seeing little Taylor toddle around on his stumpy legs. Love it!
S--Season: Fall
T--Tag 5 Friends: LeAnn, Karly, Lindsey, Marianne, Summer
U--Unknown fact about you: I can't touch my toes--if you literally paid me a million dollars to sit and reach my toes I'd still be 100% unflexible. It's the reason I got a B in 8th grade gym!!!
V--Very favorite store: I could shop Sam's all day long!
W--Worst habit: watching reality TV
X--X-ray or Ultra Sound: only ever had an ultrasound--pretty surreal experience
Y--Your favorite food: pretty much ANYTHING that has chocolate associated with it
Z--Zodiac: leo